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Homo / Transphobics
maps / pedos
alfreds playhouse "fans" that claim to be in the "fandom"
irl gore enjoyers
proshippers and all of that

past friends
people who do nothing but yap about shipping
people below the age of 12
people aboce the age of 22

Any pronouns
aroace pansexual
november 21st
minor (13+)
adhd, anxiety, n a lot more i might have forgotten about

Hello, my name is Nex but you may call me red if wanted. I like to write, do art, and read about things I enjoy!I may seem rude at first sight, but I promise I am nice (depending on my mood and who you are, that is!)My emotions and feelings about others change erraticly depending on what they do, expect me to dislike someone, and a few days later like them, it is erratic and even I cannot predict it.Selectively mute as well, but another warning, I may not want to talk to anybody, even if I am in a good mood.Expect mood swings, I think about a lot of things so I can easily switch moods.I also have bad memory, so expect me to say "I don't remember what I was doing / What was I doing again?" quite a few times.I use any pronouns, but please keep she / her to a minimum, I am more masc leaning than fem ! ! I also use neopronouns, mainly ze / xe but feel free to use any other neo's on me!A very big yapper, I enjoy many, many things!I like Warrior cats, Phighting, DVN, really any roblox game I play, I also enjoy collecting many things, but mainly stickers, pokemon cards, furbies, books, CD's, and figures! I have a shit ton of manga I haven't read at all, I just like collecting them!I may come off as clingy to my friends, as if I have a lot... but I do enjoy spending time with them all ! !

for my friends yay

If you don't see yer initial or smth on here don't be offended I'm probably just too lazy to add you
also this is sorted randomly, don't be offended if yer all the way on the bottom or smth

You make me very happy, I do nothing but spam your dms every day and wait for you to get online, I am more than willing to stay up for you, no matter how early or late, no matter if I have something to do in the morning or not, you mean a lot to me, and I am not usually this honest with my words but you mean so much to me I couldn't really care less, you are really the best person I've ever met in my life and I do hope that one day we can actually visit each other, I'm not the one driving though, I'd get put in jail for a hit and run. You mean a lot to me, and if I lost you I think I wouldn't really have anyone left, because I'd honestly drop the rest of my friends... I love you a lot, and I'm serious about that, I usually don't even like saying those three words at all but you are very special to me, even if it seems like I do not like you, or if I'm not in a good mood with you. I find it funny that you'd have to dig through my carrd to read this, but you seriously mean a lot to me, the day you sent that entire paragraph about me I don't think I've felt that happy in years, seriously. I don't care if other people read this and call me weird, stupid, or anything like that, I would be willing to do anything for you, even if it makes other people thing wrongly of me, I love you a lot.

DYou are one of my most favorite friends, I enjoy listening to you yap in general about anything, anytime you talk I will listen, you are a really cool person, the things you make are very cool in my opinion, and slightly inspire me for my own creations, mainly writing and character designing. The animations you do are literally grand to me, my favorite being the one you posted on youtube, "Leave (by whirr)" I do not care if you say that your work isn't that great, it's great to me, you are really a wonderful, sweet person. I don't know anybody who could actually hate you, unless their just jealous of how cool you are, but you are a really important friend to me, and I mean everything I say. I would buy you anything you wanted if I could, I don't care how expensive it would be, I'd get it for you. I'm really glad that I was introduced to you, you mean a lot to me, and whenever you don't feel good, I do nothing but worry about you, even if you tell me to not worry about you, it's a habit at this point, something I can't control in all honesty.

C / AYou mean a lot to me, I don't care if we talk once a week, once a month, once a year, you will always be remembered by me, I mean it when I say I want to go to where you are and give you really everything you like, every time I see anything you enjoy, it reminds me of you, after all, that is why I started collecting Ninja Turtle things, because they reminded me of you. I could never hate you, even if I'm not in a good mood. You are honestly a sweet person, I don't know why people would be rude to you. You are a good friend, and a (platonically) good child of mine. You mean a lot to me, and I'd be willing to waste my money on you 100$ on whatever you want, even if it's something stupid. Just know that I do love you, even though I don't say it a lot.